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Instagram is changing its algorithm to show more posts from smaller, unique creators

Instagram is updating how it ranks content to showcase more posts from smaller, original creators. The platform, owned by Meta, notes that in the past, creators with big followings and those who reposted content received the most exposure. Now, Instagram aims to level the playing field by implementing new changes over the next few months, ensuring all creators have equal reach opportunities.

Instagram is making significant changes to its algorithm in response to creators’ complaints about reduced reach. Adam Mosseri, head of Instagram, has been addressing these concerns frequently on Threads, almost as much as he’s been promoting new features.

The platform is implementing a new ranking system to boost distribution for smaller creators. This involves prioritizing original content over reposts in recommendations, tagging reposted content, and excluding content aggregators from recommendations.

Instagram has been developing a different way to rank content recommendations, starting with showing it to a small audience deemed likely to enjoy it. As engagement increases, the most successful Reels will be shown to a broader audience, giving all creators an equal chance to reach viewers.

Additionally, if Instagram finds identical content, it will only recommend the original post. This change applies to recommended sections like the explore page, Reels, and in-feed suggestions. However, content won’t be replaced if it’s significantly altered, such as turning into a meme or parody.

Instagram will also start labeling reposted content with links to the original creator, visible to the followers of the account reposting it. For now, either the original creator or the reposting account can remove the label, although this option might change in the future.
Instagram is implementing another change targeting meme accounts or pages that solely repost other creators’ content. In the upcoming months, accounts that frequently post content without creating or enhancing it themselves will not appear in recommendations. However, Instagram clarifies that this adjustment will not impact how the platform displays content from aggregator accounts that users actively follow.

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